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The Type 1 Diabetes Risk in Adults (T1DRA) Study

Thank you to the thousands who have signed up to T1DRA so far – we are so grateful.

If you have a sample kit at home, please return it when you can, it’s not too late. Results typically take 8 to 10 weeks to be reported once we have received your sample.


To complete the T1DRA consent survey please click here


What is the T1DRA study?

Type 1 diabetes is a serious, lifelong autoimmune condition affecting up to 400,000 people in the UK. It occurs when the immune system destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, meaning people can no longer make their own insulin and their blood sugar levels become dangerously high.

  • More than half of type 1 diabetes is diagnosed in adults but very little is known about how the condition develops.
  • T1DRA Study is testing blood samples in UK general population adults aged 18-70 to assess their risk.
  • T1DRA aims to find out how many adults in the UK are at increased risk of developing type 1 diabetes and to understand more about immune changes before symptoms appear.
  • Adults identified in the study who have multiple risk markers will be offered access to information about the symptoms of type 1 diabetes, its management and clinical trials testing new type 1 therapies.

We encourage people from all backgrounds and ethnicities to take part in T1DRA so our findings can accurately represent the adult UK population.

Click here to check if you are eligible.